GSES Bridging Course For Grid-Connected PV With Battery Storage Design Only Course
The GSES Grid-Connected PV with Battery Storage Design Only bridging course is designed for engineers and others who have previously designed grid-connected battery systems under the Clean Energy Council’s Grid-connect and Stand-alone power accreditations. This RPL-based online-only course allows eligible students to apply for the Clean Energy Council battery storage endorsement by using their previous training and experience to meet the majority of the assessable requirements.
This bridging course consists of three components:
RPL based on prior completed units of competency: UEENEEK123A, UEENEEK125A, UEENEEK128A, UEENEEK134A, UEENEEK135A and UEENEEK139A (or equivalents).
RPL based on evidence submitted by the student of their previous designs of grid-connected battery systems. Please view the required evidence before enrolling.
Short online quizzes to assess knowledge not covered by the previous two components. There are around 40 questions in total.
Course access is valid for 6 months.
Prerequisites: Clean Energy Council Design accreditations for both Grid-Connect PV and Stand-Alone Power Systems, and demonstrable experience working with grid-connected battery systems.
Outcome of successful completion: Statement of Attainment or Certificate of Completion for the following Unit of Competency and eligible to apply for CEC battery storage endorsement.
UEERE5001: Design battery storage systems for grid-connected photovoltaic systems
Required materials: As current practitioners, students are expected to have current copies of the following Australian Standards:
AS/NZS 5033 – Photovoltaic arrays
AS/NZS 4777.1 – Grid connection of energy systems via inverters
AS/NZS 3000 – Wiring rules
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 – Selection of cables Part 1.1
AS/NZS 4509.1 – Stand Alone Power Systems – Safety and installation
AS/NZS 4509.2 – Stand Alone Power Systems – System Design
Please read the essential Course Information and Policies before purchasing this course.
Computer with reliable Internet connection
Scientific calculator
Email account, checked regularly
For more information on the fees and services surrouding this course head to the GSES ebpage by clicking the sign up button on the page.